Este blog participa del concepto de El Puto Mal desde octubre de 2008.

miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2008


Como soy gran fan de My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult y el uso de citas ajenas en las canciones techno-góticas-malignas, he decidido hacer esta cutre canción como homejane.

Se escucharían las frases con voz de micro sobre un fondo electrónico en plan Kooler than Jesus.

War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.

For your ignorance is the mother
of your devotion to me.

For your ignorance is the mother
of your devotion to me.

They told me to do it!

Men's ideas
are the most direct emanations
of their material state.

Nothing can have value
without being an object
of utility.

Ignorance is Strength.

For your ignorance is the mother
of your devotion to me.

For your ignorance is the mother
of your devotion to me.

All history becomes subjective.

You know darn well that
they're just manipulating you
and that's all that
they're doing...


1 comentario:

nezha dijo...

xDDDD demasiado guay!